Three Factors A Plantar Fasciitis Specialist Considers When Creating Your Treatment Plan

A plantar fasciitis specialist is a podiatrist or foot doctor, who has specialiaed training in the diagnosis and treatment of plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is the medical term for heel pain caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is located on the bottom of your foot.

The key to getting rid of plantar fasciitis is to treat it early. If you wait too long, it can become chronic and difficult to treat. A plantar fasciitis specialist will take three factors into account when creating your treatment plan:

1. The Cause Of Your Heel Pain

To get to the root of the problem, the specialist might start with a thorough interview about your symptoms: When did the pain start? Is it worse in the morning or after periods of rest? Did it begin after a change in physical activity, or is it more of a constant presence?

A plantar fasciitis specialist may also use diagnostic tools such as ultrasound or MRI to get a clear picture of what's happening inside your foot. Pinpointing the precise cause not only helps them formulate an effective treatment plan but also paves the way towards the prevention of future episodes.

2. Your Age, Weight, And Activity Level

With age, your body goes through various changes. For instance, the natural padding on your foot's sole may thin out, leading to increased pressure on your plantar fascia. Alternatively, your muscle and ligament flexibility might decrease. Consequently, a specialist tailors your treatment differently based on your age.

Similarly, your weight affects the strain on your plantar fascia. An overweight individual may have a different recovery process than someone of a healthier weight. This factor may influence the specialist's recommendations around exercise and diet in your treatment plan.

Lastly, your activity level will be considered. Are you a marathon runner or a couch potato? Are you an office worker or a tradesperson who is on their feet all day? These differences significantly impact the approach taken for your treatment. Your plantar fasciitis specialist will consider these factors to provide you with a personalised, effective treatment plan that aligns with your lifestyle, ensuring you get back on your feet as swiftly and safely as possible.

3. Your Foot Type And Structure

Your foot type and structure are important considerations for your treatment. Some people have flat feet, while others have high arches or narrow heels. Your doctor will take into account these differences when recommending a treatment plan that is right for you. He or she may advise orthotics to help correct any biomechanical issues caused by your foot type and structure.

Chat with a plantar fasciitis doctor today about treatment.

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Freedom From Foot Pain From a morning ache in the heel to persistent forefoot pain when walking, foot pain comes in many different forms. Most people find it difficult to work out what is causing the pain and decide what to do to resolve it. The posts on this website can help you understand how the foot functions and what can go wrong with it to cause pain. In addition to suggesting stretches and footwear changes that might help, they can also let you know when you need to see a podiatrist for specialist help. Don't put up with foot pain. Read our posts and then reach out to a podiatrist to get the relief you need.



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